Ecor Rouge - Specialists in Software Development, Website Design, and Web-Based Training

9 days ago

#EcorRouge #SoftwareDevelopment #JayGrieves

Hi, and welcome to the show!

On today’s show, I’m excited to welcome Founder and CEO of Ecor Rouge, Jay Grieves. During the call, Jay and I talk about how Ecor Rouge builds, fixes, and provides tech services for clients, and we explore various insights on software development, business building, and productivity.

As the Founder and CEO of Ecor Rouge, Jay specializes in software development, technical services, and product innovation. In delivering results, Jay collaborates with a dynamic team of freelance professionals to build, maintain, and scale technology products for his clients and his own ventures.

Jay’s Specialties: Writing software requirements, online marketing, writing advertising copy, business plan development, software prototyping, startup bootstrapping, managing technical personnel, leading small teams, hiring and managing freelance software developers.

To learn more about the topics discussed, or to contact Jay directly, click the link below.

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