No Feelings

1 month ago

Track List:
Cash 00:00 - 01:51
Paradise 01:52 - 03:27
Strippa Manna ft. @himmithyhimm1 03:28 - 06:19
Doom Handed 06:20 - 08:36
Experiment 08:37 - 10:53
Brazil Boo 10:54 - 13:01
No Sad 13:02 - 15:05
France 15:06 - 17:05
2 Heart 1 Head 17:06 - 19:05
Bout You 19:06 - 20:41
Listen ft. @himmithyhimm1 20:42 - 22:10

You may use my beats at no charge, but I do take donations. Feel free to let me know which beat you used as well as spreading the word. This helps build my community of supporters.

Cash App Support 4 Beats: $forrestjob

#beats #typebeat #producer #beattape #veteranowned




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