Secret Meaning on Jesus and SHORT Tax Collector | Sam Shamoun

2 days ago

Christian apologist Sam Shamoun reveals the secret meaning behind the Pharisees and the tax collector parable that Jesus said, look in order to demonstrate that the ones who praise themselves for doing good will be the last of the kingdom and will be on both the people who were already on both and are trying their bestbecause of what he did is the first to come up on the kingdom in this case, he needs a man who is short that passes by his town and climbs down a tree in Luke 19 that his name is Zaccheus who was the chief tax collector that was a Jew and in this case when he met Jesus, he swore to give half of all his earnings to the poor and the ones who were angry, or the Pharisees for Jesus, sitting with the sinner, but not realizing that this parable directly ties into it, and at the end, Jesus give salvation in his house, which connects because just like the tax collector and the parable painted God for salvation zaccheus the short man recieved salvation from Jesus because he was humble and repented unlike the pharisees who exalted themselves secretly showing that Jesus is God

(New Testament / Old Testament)
Luke 18 verses 9 to 14
Luke 19 verses 1 to 10

0:00 How Jesus uses parables to illustrate real events
1:38 Historical Context on Jew being Tax Collector
2:51 Tax collector and Pharisee
5:14 Jesus meeting Zaccheus a tax collector
7:12 Connection between Tax collector being repentant sinner
11:49 Jesus bringing him salvation
13:43 Parable connection
16:48 Proving Jesus is God Secretly

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