Building a well house part 2

1 month ago

Finishing up the well house and a sneak peek at our next project! Loving life in the Ozarks!

Laugh with us, learn with us, and experience the fun of DIY Homesteading. We are Jason and Tara, Welcome! We are just trying to live a sustainable lifestyle and not spend a fortune to do so. Starting new in the Ozarks on 17 acres high on a ridge. We are living in our Tiny House while we continue to build our infrastructure of a functioning homestead. We have plans to build a log cabin as our lifetime home. We have 2 of our 7 children and our Aunt living here on the property with with us. We raise rabbits, chickens and goats, along with gardening enough to sustain us year round. More animals to come as we are better prepared for them.

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DIY homesteaders building our tiny houses and homestead from scratch. Gardening videos and raising chickens as we go. Living debt free and building our sustaining lifestyle. Join us in our weekly videos and enjoy the journey as we are.
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