Faith Fiction Myths Prophecy QAnon and You

18 days ago

"Faith Fiction Myths Prophecy QAnon and You" addresses the some of the church's recent experience with the Q phenomenon which polluted some of the prophetic words some have given.

Today we'll use the scriptures to frame part of the church's experience with the Q phenomenon. Jesus, Paul and Peter warned us through the scriptures regarding fables, doctrines of demons and discussions that only lead to division. These challenges we face today even frames part of the role of the five fold ministry spoken of in Ephesians four. The current issues and experiences have demonstrated the lack of maturity that actually exists in Church leadership today. This serves as a clarion call, calling us up to the standard of God's word, His character and His wisdom. Those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth. It's not either or. It is both.

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