Episode 326: Are people in their 50's and 60's better entrepreneurs?

21 hours ago

This episode examines a recent article from The Wall Street Journal (subscription required) titled “The Investor Betting on People in Their 50s and 60s-Because Older is Better.” We often think about the ideal entrepreneur being a young 20 something with tons of energy. Are your 20’s really the best time in your life to start a business? One investor has built a strategy around betting on older entrepreneurs in their 50’s and 60’s. The reasons are obvious as age has its benefits. You have a network, you have personal funds, you have experience, and you know the ins and outs of running a company. This article makes a great case for older is better when it comes to entrepreneurs. A link to the article is included below.

Link: The Investor Betting on People In Their 50s and 60s—Because Older Is Better - WSJ

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