021625 The Storm and Darkness Be Encouraged My Bride – Justin Adkinson

18 days ago

The Storm and Darkness Be Encouraged My Bride – Justin Adkinson
Family, not many will touch this⬇️
💡.. the Influence of false prophets among the Hebrew Israelites today:-
Cast stumbling blocks for God's people. Rev 2:14-15 (Num 22, 23, 24 and 25:1-9)
1. They sow seeds of
a). Strife, variance and pride - preoccupied with contentions ..never trying to inquire; seeing others as wrong, and they are right. i.e sacred name movement, ..vehemently opposed to the name Jesus.. (despite the power to work miracles, deliver and save.) Etcs
b). Hate - they fan racial hatred " Esau God hates, Jacob God loves."
c). Rebellion - opposes other messengers of God. i.e rapture messages are false. 3DOD is heresy stemming from the catholic church, .(.despite scriptures, appearings of planet x, northern lights, numerous dreams and visions received.) Etcs
d). Unforgiveness/ resentment - never teaching about forgiveness and praying for those that revile, persecute and say all manner of evil against you. ( Matt 5:10 -13)
2. Blind initiates - use high level witchcraft to send blind initiates ( subscribers) into other YT Ministries to recruit new subscribers (they advertise in the commentaries). Pray for the blind initiates, for they are victims.
If you witness this activities in your channel, quickly delete. Do not fear what man may say, think, feel or even do ..only care about what God wants.
3. Seldomly teach or prepare others for Martyrdom or persecution as Rev 2: 8-10
4. Fixated on the second exodus,.. as their collective endtime destiny. Not teaching full truths,. that it is only for those God has purposed and will preserve for this times, and plan. ( important to check with God what His plans are for you, so that you are better prepared)
5. Rapture at Jesus second coming. Why do some prefer and support this narrative?
..Because no one gets to heaven ..by rapture before them!
..But will God suffer 'the innocent' and 'faithful children' to His wrath?
Jesus returns with the saints, at the end of the great tribulation, to destroy evil and establish the millennium reign on earth... the rapture narrative is not feasible at this point of time.
6. Jesus prophesied against the wickedness of this people, in Luke 13: 24-30 and Matthew 8:11-12. / Isaiah 42: 19, 20, 22-25
Do not stumble /fall into these wicked schemes,..do not be among the weeping and gnashing of teeth in the lake of fire.
💡 Spirit language!
1. The bride? - mark 10:37-40 (share His suffering) matt 25:1-13 (5 wise virgins) matt 10:29, mark10:29-30, psalm 45:10-17 ( left all for christ). Are male, female, hebrews, gentiles, poor, rich, all races, nations and tribes on earth.
2. New jerusalem ? - city in heaven that represents the followers of Jesus. Rev 21:2-4
3. Wedding/ marriage ceremony - matt 22:29-30 ( is not of earthly fashion). Is a union, alliance, celebrating the elevation of the bride, into a high position in the kingdom of God; to rule and reign by the side of Jesus Christ. Matt 10: 40, Rev 20:1-15, Daniel 7:27
📃 link:-
📌 photos courtesy pinterest

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