Mellow Kat confronts Aerosolinjector Pilot

4 days ago

Kat Saari, well known under her activist name Mellow Kat, confronts the cloud seeder pilot, just back from his job. He and his colleague were out and about in the region of the Sonora mountain range to seed snow clouds spraying their heavy metal payload. Mellow Kat, very seasoned in her fight for clear skies, tracked them back to the airport and posed the right questions that should be aimed at the perpetrators, who still think their activity is not illegal. So Weather Modification International and the nameless pilot of flight 904DK made first contact with a very determined and courageous woman and mother who does not believe that ignorance provides satisfactory answers.

Editor: 👉Joska Ramelow (

The opinions expressed in the video do not necessarily represent those of the channel MDTV

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