John Searl UFO UAP and the Warminster Thing - 1960s

21 days ago

People want "Free Energy", UFOs/UAPs?
There are reports of John Searl demonstrating his units to the BBC and also the entire town of Warminster was scared to death because of his experiments with his "levity disc". They called it "The Warminster Thing".
People thought it was aliens. They had town hall meetings on it that were filmed. It was the work of John Searl. People in the UFO community still those particular reports were aliens.

The police saw it, everyone saw it. The Air Commodore of Great Britain witnessed John Searl flying the disc in 1968. So there are reports and claims and wild stories.
With only 2 or 3 images of the unit itself allegedly in flight. The BBC has archived footage of John Searl in multiple episodes on local access TV in Britain but that was on old reels of tape. It's listed in their archives, but of course... the footage is "missing."

So all we have to go on is the actual physics and electrical engineering... and the people who have tried copying John Searl. Everything we have done in the lab has worked out and validated Searl's claims. One by one. Which justifies moving to the next step each step. Otherwise there would be no reason to continue.

EVERY group and effort that copies John Searl for real... they find anomalies worth further investigating. A lot of the highest and most classified research is with rotating superconductors and based upon the work of John Searl.

NASA tried doing tests with Dr. Eugene Podkletnov who was influenced by John Searl. Boeing tried duplicating it, but then claimed there was nothing to see. Even though they never even did the tests.
Boeing and Podkletnov:

The department of defense came in and took back all the equipment because the project ran out of budget. So just before the tests were going to be run in a cryostat, all the labwork was taken.
That work was handed over to Dr. Ning Li who got top secret clearance to study "antigravity" and rotating superconductors.

Podkletnov with Tim Ventura of American Antigravity:

Podkletnov discusses his "force beam" generator:

That led to the government tests for "Project Green Glow" and "Project GRASP". They call it green glow because the unit develops high voltage and ionizes the surrounding nitrogen in the air like the northern lights.
That's from the splitting of electron pairs and then subsequent dropping of energy levels as single electrons. But when the actual pair splits... depending on the intensity... it generates gravity.

Light is when single electrons drop energy levels in 3D. Normally incoherent.
But gravity is when electron pairs split and drop energy levels from a 2D coherent state back to 3D incoherence.
Gravity is NOT some mythical curvature of space-time or the Casimir effect, dark matter, aether perturbations or zero point energy. Gravity is not electric either.
Electrons are the very definition of electricity. But the light emitted by electrons is not electric unto itself. It's neutral and apart of the electromagnetic spectrum.
The same applies to gravity.
The Rebirth of Classical Physics: Time, Light & Gravity

The ESA also started doing tests and found MONSTROUS gravitational anomalies.
They didn't have the superconductor in a cryostat or a magnetic field... yet, the article states:
“Although just 100 millionths of the acceleration due to the Earth's gravitational field, the measured field is a surprising one hundred million trillion times larger than Einstein's General Relativity predicts. Initially, the researchers were reluctant to believe their own results.”

Then Tom Valone of the Integrity Research Institute had been trying to duplicate John Searl's work for decades. He started MorningStar Energy Box with Paul Murad.
They spent over $500,000 to do their own tests and put this PDF together showing weight anomalies.
Murad Technical Data:

Those tests were trying to duplicate the attempts by the russians Roschin and Godin who were funded by the Russian government to investigate Searl and rotating superconductors. They found temperature drops and weight anomalies, emergent magnetic walls and rotating fields. They filed for patents.

Here is their second test which was not as successful as their first one:

From 17:56 to 18:24 is footage of the Russian MEC test. This comes from the Russian documentary called The Structure of the Vacuum.

(take note there IS NO structure to the so called vacuum. That's their outdated model that REQUIRES SOME MEDIUM to exist between planets that behaves like condensed matter or the surface of water to ripple or warp or distort. It doesn't exist.)
I address all that in great detail in an opposing model to relativity and QED in what I call Galilean Variance. (Books and audiobooks coming soon)
The longer people believe in junk psyence like space-time curvature... the longer we will live like the Flintstones.

Wanna graduate to Star Trek?
4 Books - Light, Gravity, Time, Coherence

But all of those guys attempting to copy John Searl... they are using STANDARD MAGNETS and 3D fermions (single electrons). Trying to force cool a system with liquid nitrogen in an attempt to decrease the incoherence to a tolerable low.
And it doesn't work like that. That doesn't generate coherence and waveforms like John Searl's magnets or a 2D electron system.

Disorder in slow motion ≠ order
Tolerating less chaos ≠ order
Having less cancer ≠ health
Having less hate ≠ Love
Force ≠ Liberation
And that's all they know. Incoherent Force in 3D.
The only context they have for something different is LASERs. The world is just getting started with coded magnets... but we can take that to the extreme and get to the real cool stuff.

Then there's also the work of Dr. Paul Brown who also validated John Searl's claims. Paul built his own unit called the DPU (Demonstration Power Unit). It was made of a Strontium-90/Neodymium alloy. It produced over a megawatt of power and melted the 10 gauge transmission lines connecting the unit. Then it had a meltdown and burned up like a lithium ion battery on steroids. Almost brought down his lab.

Dr. Brown was murdered after his company NuCell and Periphery Systems was launched on the NASDAQ.
Imagine batteries lasting 1600 years... or however long you want by combining 3 different radioactive isotopes to spring-load the alpha and beta decay.

Waiting for the interest to grow and people to realize the significance here... Please claim they want Free Energy and UFOs... ok... HERE!

There is A LOT MORE!!

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