023 080's Commercials Volume 019

23 days ago

These commercials aired on local ABC affiliate KNTV 11 on the afternoon of September 29th, 1987. These are the sort of daytime TV, infomercially ads that usually make me want to slit my wrists, but they're from the 80's, so I automatically love all of them.

1. Burger King (With Christine Taylor from "Hey Dude")
2. The Spirit Of San Jose
3. PG&E (Not a big ad budget, eh PG&E?)
4. Dental Implants ("I feel prettier and that's worth everything")
5. Billings Chevrolet (What an intense car salesman!)
6. Mrs. Smith's Natural Juice Pies (Bursting with fruit)
7. Tilex (With Vincent Price!)
8. 409
9. News Break (Henry Ford II dead at age 70)
10. Bay Valley Tech
11. KNTV Station ID
12. Regina Housekeeper Vacuum Cleaner
13. Comet
14. Poole's Jewelry (All of this jewelry probably turned green)
15. Wendy's (Kind of an unconventional commercial spokesman)
16. Time Life Treasury of Christmas (The commercial format for this really hasn't changed much in 20 years)
17. Promo for "The New Newlywed Game"

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