Love, Marriage, and Relationships

2 days ago

Pastor Panel discuss the below!
1st God
2nd Marriage

I Corinthians 13 TPT Love NEVER fails.

We are in Covenant together. I have your back. You have mine. We are faithful to each other.

We have to both be pursing God AND each other.

Example: How it started vs How it is now.
>Dating: Your focus was on your girlfriend or boyfriend and how to please them. You want to spend regular time together. You were intentional!
>Marriage: You get lazy. You get comfortable. You take your spouse for granted. Things, people, work, children can try to take the place of putting your spouse first.

Exodus 34:14 God is a jealous God! He wants all our focus. We are made in His image. And, that’s why we desire the focus from our spouse.

Genesis 2:24 Leave and cleave. Be nice to your parents/inlaws. But, have boundaries.

Proverbs 4:24 Guard your heart. Don’t let the wrong things come in. Don’t let it turn toward another. Stay pure and don’t let sin in. FYI sin could be anger, bitterness, or wrong thinking.

>The Grass Isn’t always greener on the other side; Moving states example.

The best marriages are two servants in love. It goes back to 1 Corinthians 13.
Know Who God is, love, and how He loves us.
-Selfishness is one of the biggest thieves in marriage.
-Pride/Dominance is another thief. Begin a servant requires humility.

Your spouse is different than you.
IE Love Languages:
-Physical Touch
-Quality Time
-Acts of Service
-Words of Affirmation

Women are from Venus. Men are from Mars.

Ephesians 5:22-33

Men’s Needs: Honor – Intimacy – Friendship (not a mother) – Domestic Support

Women’s Needs: Security – Affection – Open & Honest Communication – Leadership

Waiter Example.

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