🍤 Granny Goatee reviews KFC's Shrimp Donut and Zabb Chicken Wings in Phuket, Thailand!! 🍗

3 days ago

Granny Goatee gives you an unedited and uncut food review of KFC's Shrimp Donut and Zabb Chicken wings! There are many fun and exciting items at KFC in Thailand and Granny Goatee tries a few out for you, grandchildren. How do they taste? Are they any good? Watch to find out!

Total cost: B138/$3.87


Shrimp Donut - B39/$1.09

Zabb Chicken Wings 6 count - B99/$2.77

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#foodreview #kfc #kfcfriedchicken #kfcthailand #fastfoodreviews #phuket #thailandfood #shrimpdonut

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