Kate Shemirani NG163 & NG191 (March 2023)

3 days ago

The NHS Letterhead not too long ago had a Latin phrase that read

"Ipsos MORI"

Translated, means "They Die"

This may explain why the Nazi Homicide Service were TikTok dancing and giving "End of Life Care as per NG163 and NG191" using Midazolam and Morphine. This was given to the elderly in care homes at the peak culling season in April 2020 as family members were denied access as the murders were taking place.

Kate Shemirani released another bombshell video in March 2023 explaining the UK Government’s NG191 which uses Remdesivir and other drugs to prematurely end the lives of the elderly. The document sets targets for “legalised euthanasia”. NG191 replacing the spent NG163, which used Midazolam and Morphine. These bastards will hang for this genocide.

It should come as no surprise that pedophiles always seem to be found working in places where there are children. Evil psychopaths also can be found in positions of power and influence, hospitals, police, social workers. Good people also work in those places, but when the evil is about to be exposed the real evil psychopaths will blame the good and the innocent. Lucy Letby was one such victim, she is innocent, a convenient patsy for what was really going on in that Hospital...at least that's my opinion.

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