United Nations Rape Camp Reality

3 days ago

I'd like to see the full documentary with Ali Trabizi.

The UN were and still are the jackboots of the Vatican.

The Mockingbird Media spin the narrative to stir public reaction

The CIA/MI6/Mossad create and embed the controlled opposition

The Deep-state create "Natural Disasters" using HAARP and other means of weather warfare

The deep-state military industrial complex bomb the crap out of countries.

The mockingbird media hammer home the lies and deception

The Deep-State carry out a colour revolution, install a puppet and a central bank.

The deep-state rob the countries of their old bottomed out currency using US Military Aircraft and then profit hugely on exchange rates when the central bank issues a new currency and greatly improved exchange rate. This funds the pockets of the deep-state politicians, as well as funding the next colour revolution. Perpetual war.

Temporary orphanages are set up by the Red Cross (such as they did in Haiti after Hurricane Andrew) and the likes of the Clintons then traffick the children into child sex slaves, satanic ritual abuse, or satanic sacrifices.

The UN rape and abuse the women and children (boys and girls) and the mockingbird media spin the narrative that the UN are peace keepers.

The deep-state ransack the country of its commodities, be it precious metals, minerals, oil, whatever.

The UN and the Red Cross then put out piano music tv ads asking for donations and the gullible viewers fund the next conflict and colour revolution.

Patterns are very easy to spot IF you spend the time to look. Sometimes people don't care to look because donating cash was enough to cleanse their conscience


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