Star Wars Episode I Darth Maul Interactive Talking Bank (1999)

17 days ago

Today we open the last of the three interactive Star Wars banks. Darth Mail is the only one of the three that has any electronics in the light saver. One side is fixed and the other side slides out during his animation and back in at the end. It had a little trouble some times but considering the age I am surprised that feature works at all. The dialog about Tattoine being sparsely populated seems like a strange choice for an action bank like this but then he did not have many lines. Hooking up Qui Gon or Obi Wan one at a time brings out different animations and dialog. Combining all three you get quite a battle. I really like coin banks like these though they take up a lot of space. What do you think of these banks? I hope you enjoyed the video. Thank you for watching.

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