You and Idol Pretty Cure♪ Episode 3 - Have Courage♪ Cure Wink Debuts! (English Subbed)

22 days ago

You and Idol Pretty Cure♪ Episode 3 - Have Courage♪ Cure Wink Debuts! (English Subbed)

Kimi to Idol Pretty Cure♪ (キミとアイドルプリキュア♪ lit. You and Idol Pretty Cure♪)

"Nana, who is feeling down about a mistake she made during her piano competition, is invited to Uta's family's home, Cafe Glitter. Uta and Uta's little sister Hamori cheer her up, and Nana is ready to do her best at the school welcome event..."

And so in this Week's new exciting new Episode of "You and Idol Pretty Cure",it's the Debut of "Cure Wink",which this episode is your typical Introductionary "New Character introduction Keyplots" Backstory Episode:

as we mainly get Highsignt Introduction Backstories of Nana's Past as a former Elementary School Pianist who struggled with Piano Shyness and stuff like that,you know the drill!

also that one funny part though XD When Uta Sakura accidently spilled the Beans that She's "Cure Idol" that Nana idolizes,Unlike in most typical Precure seasons though,instead of her freaking out like "OMG Uta,your Cure Idol,WHAT IS THE Legend of PrecurE!???? OMG,that Plushtoy Talks,it's a Fairy!!!???"

instead she just keeps a cool head and just goes along with it like it's no big

so yeah,Sorry Uta,but Nana already knew your

and this actually brings me to my next point,because heres the kicker,because it's also revealed that in this episode,that Uta and Nana actually knew each other since childhood during they're elementary/grade school days,but they never knew or realised that!!

and yeah heh,turns out that Uta also took piano lessons from her childhood backstory,but outright sucked at it,which she later finds out that Nana was the same mysterious blue haired girl she saw in her childhood years

So yep,Pretty Good introductionary episode for Nana/Cure Wink's Debut.

I mean,the heavy tones of that backstory was straight up levels of Futari Wa Pretty Cure and Doki Doki Pretty cure levels of Episode writing,right there,it's right up there with Alice's Backstory episode from Doki Doki on how she protected both Mana and Ratchelle from School Bullies!

also it's nice to finnally see a Blue Cure who's neither the Social Akward type like how Cure Spicy from Delicious Party was,nor is she the typical stuck-up Snobby Class President Miss Perfect type like how Minami/Cure Mermaid from Go Princess was,instead,Nana/Cure WInk is just your average friendly girl who just wants to get better at her previous mistakes she made at her last piano recital,so this is a nice change of pace!

because we've seen way too many Blue Cures (with the exception of Cure Marine from Heartcatch) that tried to pull of these 2 tropes and fail miserabully at it (especially Cure Spicy from Delicious Party)

Keep up the Amazing work here "You and Idol",don't Screw this Up Now!

Toei Animation

Year: 2025

Music Composers: Fukasawa Erika and Umase Misaki

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