'The Just War' - Dennis Cole, Narrow Gate News

3 days ago

'The Just War' is the theme for our newest NGN. Bankers wars perpetuate more wars. The 'Just War' on the other hand is spiritual and 'real.' The war in heaven before the earth began did not have nuclear bombs as we know them, but was real, with spiritual weapons. Dennis taps into answers with explanation for the times we live in. With news clips our interpretation, 'The Just War,' brings peace insight into the war that brings justice. Trump and company lead the charge in what we all can see. NGN and others like us participate in spiritual warfare, by prayer, intentionally not self censoring, and finding passion to express hope and warning. This report will inform and transform your faith into God's timing for all humanity for our day. Dennis Cole is an international Bible Actor, author, journalist, playwright and pastor. Please comment, subscribe, like, and share. God Bless You. Thank you very much.

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