A Second Covenant – Deut. Chpt. 29

3 days ago

We tend to think of just two covenants in Scripture, the covenants that are generally represented by the old and new testaments. But there are actually several covenants between God and his people. Today we will look at a second covenant between God and 2n generation Israel. It follows the first covenant involving 1st generation Israel, established when God met with them at Mt. Sinai.

The most important thing to understand as we get started is this: neither of these covenants is in any way, shape, or form related to the salvation of the soul. No person can earn salvation by being good. Keeping God's commandments does not save the soul. Only Jesus saves souls, and we come to Jesus by grace through faith. These two covenants are relational, which is to say they establish the ground rules that govern the relationship between God and his people.

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