The Witches Cauldron With Sherry Brett And Chris And Chrissy Dunham

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Chris and Chrissy Dunham aka Thunder and Gypsy in the pagan community. Lineage witches. Pagan leaders in the community of Iowa and Colorado. Did 30 years as event organizers. over 30 years as High Priestess and Priest in a coven called the Coven of the Blessed Lady. A family coven and with 3 sister covens. Four kids that were raised in the witch community and 11 grandkids plus 4 extras in a total of 15 grandkids and one great granddaughter.
Now starting a new chapter of being podcasters to bring education to other spiritual paths and some other interesting topics.

Sherry Brett
Sherry, also known spiritually as Willow, is a spiritual worker. She believes in everything strange and unknown, from the paranormal and UFOs to cryptids. She also defines and connects with spirits, using cards, runes, and other spiritual tools. A practicing Celtic druid shaman and a witch, Sherry is a natural witch, having learned everything through communication and contact with energies that have been with her since the age of five. That is when she first began to communicate and open herself to spirit energy and other world energies. A dedicated truth seeker, she believes in sharing only the truth. She does a lot of educational work and has a channel called PWI Investigators, as she also conducts investigations. For those interested in the spiritual side of things, the other side, spirituality, and our links to the planet and the world, Sherry will be a featured guest on Benny C. Trent's show on Sunday. She invites those interested to tune in and ask questions to gain a deeper understanding of these spiritualities. She is happy to share details and insights into her experiences and who she is as an individual.

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