5 days ago

The David's of our Day Have gone through the FIRE 🔥 and this year is A time of trading ASHES for BEAUTY. To build its ruins to begin to Build a Dwelling Place for His habitation. A Fresh anointing and Oil as the David unite together. This is a spiritual HOUSE OF DAVID. God sworn he would build again the tabernacle of David's walls and breaches TABERNACLE not made with hands is what he's after a place where he can dwell in a place where he can lay his head. Jesus will sit on the throne David.
Act 15:16 After this I will return, and will build again THE TABERNACLE of DAVID, which is FALLEN DOWN; and I will BUILD AGAIN the ruins thereof, and I will SET IT UP:
Acts 15:17
That the RESIDUE of men might seek after the Lord, and all the Gentiles, upon whom my name is called, saith the Lord, who doeth all these things.

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