Closed Systems, Law Forms, Contract and Jurisdiction

21 days ago

Ken continues his explanation of the closed systems and law forms that make up the world system and how contract and jurisdiction create the law. There are many law forms that make up the world system. A few of these are Ecclesiastical Law, Admiralty Law, Commercial Law, Civil Law, Common Law, Equity, and Universal Principles or Natural Law. Many experts in the law arena have spent their careers immersed in one or multiple of these systems, but have not integrated them as a whole. One must learn how all of these closed systems integrate in order to pursue a holistic solution. Ken explains how all of these systems connect with each other primarily through the most basic element of law, which is contract. Contract is what creates the law. We explore how hidden voluntary contracts creates the public jurisdiction that we find ourselves bound to as a bonded surety to a bankrupt franchise, and also how we can use the power to contract to our benefit as PanTerraVida has done through a private jurisdiction.

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