"The Absolutely Immense Power Of Quantum What's On The Horizon" (With A Comic Book Feel) by Spankdog

5 days ago

All right people I told you guys I was coming with the real deal! The people who grew up with me they know my style and they know I always pride myself on being a real person with a good heart will always keeps it official. That's before dishonor. Anyway I stumbled on to something about 3 months ago called Quantum technology and when I found out what it did I couldn't stop watching videos and reading about it. David Maurer I promise you not communities at least half decent or better well here you go brother. I don't talk what I don't know so what you hear in the documentary is factual every now and then I do talk about things that could possibly happen but are not certain and that's just contemplation and speculation but we have the right to wonder especially when they announce they have a technology that is a thousand times more powerful than the technology we utilize today in our laptops and desktop computers. So if you understand what the amplification infers we're talking about curing new diseases and yes even the big c word. That word we all hate so much because we've all lost someone to it. We're talking about life expectancy rate going up to the 150s the 200s but like I said this is all in theory even though they have something called the quantum setup they've yet to build a full-blown quantum computer yet I believe. When they talk about Google's Willow I believe in all actuality it is not a full-blown quantum computer but something they call a Quantum set up which means it's still leaves everything we utilize in the dust. This is the first time I've ever seen or heard about something that would actually make you believe in magic. If these predictions are true where about to start seeing stuff you couldn't fathom. Why do you think we've been seeing so many things in the last couple of years. Without further ado let me introduce you guys to my documentary with the comic book twist. "The Quantum Horizons: The Future Of Technology & Humanity by Robert Lopez aka Spankdog - Basement Clique . This is no lightweight documentary it's 91 minutes of non repetitive information along with some amazing illustrations and footage. I spent no lie about a month editing this particular documentary and it is the longest it's ever took me to make something this long and detailed. Bless you guys and I hope you tune in. Smash the like comment and subscribe for your boy spank a brother who got real love for you not like these celebrities who lose their mind when they come across Fame and wealth and start to treat people like their beneath them. I would never and I stand on that 100%. If I say I love you on Facebook I would say I love you face to face

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