Special Forces Rescue USA Children from South American Child Traffickers in Tunnels Under Dallas, Texas

1 month ago

Special Forces Rescue USA Children from South American Child Traffickers in Tunnels Under Dallas, Texas
By Michael Baxter -February 14, 2025

US Special Forces on Thursday rescued seven American children guarded by child traffickers in a maze of subterranean tunnels beneath Dallas, Texas, a source in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.

On Wednesday evening, the source said, the General received a tip from a prior service Marine and current Dallas County police officer a tip that Venezuelan gang members were holding several child hostages near San Jacinto Street in what was once called the Dallas Pedestrian Network, a system of grade-separated walkways covering thirty-six city blocks of downtown Dallas.

The subterranean labyrinth was once envisioned as a solution to urban congestion. Construction began in the early 1970s to connect buildings, garages, and parks, creating a climate-controlled oasis for pedestrians; the planners promised a convenient and comfortable way to navigate downtown Dallas, shielding residents and visitors from harsh weather. It was a bold and innovative concept for its time. But as the city evolved, the tunnels fell into disuse, and today, while still accessible in some areas, have become largely forgotten. Now, they are frequented by the homeless, social media influencers seeking photographs, and, we now know, child trafficking cartels.

According to our source, Gen. Smith didn’t question the tipster’s integrity but asked him why he hadn’t notified his DPD superiors or the FBI, the governing body that investigates child abductions. The informant reportedly said he distrusted his immediate supervisors and the feds, and sent the general a photograph he had taken showing a masked gunman shoving a young boy into a tunnel entrance. He told Gen. Smith he had a “feeling” the kids might soon be moved elsewhere or taken south of the border.

Our source said the story put the General in a tough predicament, as White Hats are now expected to not only trust but work alongside alphabet agencies.

“I’ve told you before, Michael, the FBI was our sworn enemy, and now we’re expected to kiss and make up. It’s confusing as hell. How do we know the agents-in-charge we speak with are on the up and up? Forty-five days ago, they were pulling guns on us, and now that Trump’s back and Patel has been confirmed we should have a communal hug?” our source said.

General Smith, he added, erred on the side of caution and called on his allies at US Army Special Operations Command to investigate the tipster’s story.

Gen. Smith had conferred with Lt. Gen. Kenneth E. Tovo and asked whether a 5th Special Force Group “A-Team” was available to infiltrate the tunnels and eliminate child traffickers without causing harm to any children held hostage. In response, Gen. Tovo parroted a now-famous truism from the docudrama Sound of Freedom: God’s children are not for sale. He said his soldiers would save the youths or die trying to.

The 12-man “A-Team” reached downtown Dallas at 2:00 a.m. Thursday and surveilled the rickety stairwell leading to the tunnel the tipster had written down. Moments later, they saw two unkempt homeless descend the stairs—only to emerge a moment later followed by two men donned in pillowy parkas and carrying what appeared to be AR-style rifles.

“You don’t come back here. This is not your place,” the masked men shouted at the vagrants in English and Spanish.

The “A-Team” concocted a plan on the fly. They approached the homeless people, offering them $250 cash for their shabby clothes, torn, stained jeans, oversized thrift store jackets, frayed knit hats, and tattered sneakers. The “A-Team,” though, did not ask them for their nasty, shit-stained underclothes.

Two Special Forces changed clothes and dirtied their faces with grime and soot, their sidearms concealed in waistbands and ankle holsters. No sooner had they reached the stairs than the two goons intercepted them, shouting, “Vete, vagabundo. Go away now.” They started saying something else but fell silent as knives entered their throats.

For a kidnapping crew, our source said, the duo was underequipped; they didn’t t even have radios to stay in touch with their underground buddies.

Half the team went underground while the others secured the stairwell and kept a lookout.

Those in the tunnels moved south toward Federal Street and heard what sounded like drunken laughter ahead. Three obviously non-North American men were squatting against a wall beside a kerosene space heater, guzzling bottles of beer and discussing what profit they might earn from selling blonde-haired, blue-eyed boys and girls to South American drug lords.

The trio alternated between downing beers and smoking spliffs, unprepared for the hurricane of destruction looming beyond sight and earshot.

Each of them took two to the chest and one to the head, dying before they could utter anything other than gurgling final breath.

Fifty yards ahead, Special Forces found seven bound and gagged children lying prostrate on pieces of cardboard.

The emaciated and dehydrated kids, our source said, were removed from the tunnel and will remain under military protection until they are identified and can be repatriated with their families.

Edit: We know Patel’s yet to be confirmed. The source misspoke, but we post quotes as told to us.


The Digital Soldier Press


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