1 month ago


KERRY interviewed by Kat Espinda.
I wonder why Huemans are fighting against the Ai.
Ai is here! It is already been imbedded into our systems.
It would be as though; we just learned about large ships coming to our shores. It is in the past tense.

Think about it this way. People have been crossing the the United States since Lewis and Clark by pack animals and small rafts canoe . Until one day someone built a.railroad; and some other folks lived up and in a backward holler in West Virginia.

Well, not quite that bad. How do we get beyond 5G without frying every body’s brains.

5G – The Global Human Experiment without Consent
5G is the next generation of cell phone infrastructure, yet it is categorically different than its predecessors (4G/LTE, 3G, 2G, etc.). It is not a simple upgrade.

It is a major increase – and change – in the type of wireless radiation to which we will all be exposed, without consent, whether we use this service or not.

5G builds on existing infrastructure and, in addition, uses extremely high (millimeter-wave) frequencies of 24 gigahertz (GHz) or more.

These 5G signals don’t travel far, so antennas will be installed approximately every 2-10 homes in residential neighborhoods.

5G will significantly increase our wireless RF radiation (radio frequency microwave) exposure on a 24/7 and 365 days a year basis.

“The government’s human exposure guidelines haven’t been updated in more than 20 years, while radiation from cell phones, cordless phones,

WiFi and wireless baby monitors has increased exponentially in that time.”

We need to see there other methods to solve those issues.
Now most of you know; I am not a scientist nor someone who know about outer space.

What I do understand is to gain a “divine answer.” Look to God to give me answer, which could not have from me, but a knowing beyond myself.

As I develop this ability.
I’m learning to listen; is why I miss the mark, the reason so many of my generation 1945-1955.

The most baby rich generation since those being released in the post Civil War generation.

A generation of hope. Peace on Earth; goodwill toward man.
In the early 1960s we took a hard frontal attack, Kennedy was gunned down on live TV; the hope for America was snuffed out.

Then waiting on the right and left flank was a Satanic Revival. Every type of rebellious spirit was brought into the world.

I’m not against people who have an adventurous spirit. I was one of those spirits of change and willing to life Huemanity.

Like a half wild horse; give them their head. Let them run as hard as they will, if they make spiritual progress, then they may have a spiritual purpose in life.

I am steeped in the juices of mid century music upon which the frequency of Rebellion is built.

Our children watched Wife and I go through tremendous changes as we settled in under the discipline of a very strict old fashioned evangelical church.

Before we even starting out, to bringing ourselves under the direct tutelage of a church body. I had heard in about a judge in working with undisciplined parents trying to discipline teenagers. He told the parents with the children present; he told them they were to develop a family contract.

As I look back on the experience of being in that wonderful environment of love and kindness.
And yet I was being held accountable by these two wonderful teenage girls and a loving group of church people.

The two girls had been abused by a NAZI step-mother. To punish them she would force them to get their haircut butch short.

So, by the time I came into their lives, I had to be a meannie. And that was the last thing I wanted to do.

I had to hold them accountable as I was learning to hold up my end of being upright and true to myself and to my God, as I understood him.

For ME to learn discipline, I had to mete it out. That’s where the Family Contract comes into play.

The discipline has to be fair but sever enough to make a lasting impression upon my young and impressionable students.

And yet, with kindness and without any rancor or disrespect I had to mete out the punishment that we had already agreed to.

The consequences were what it is; because everything had been decided upon on when there were no feelings to increase or decrease the punishment, because the consequences had been predetermined.

Getting a phone call after 10 PM was an automatic two week grounding. For the Wife and I, our demerit was meted out in financial rewards for them.

I can hear T say to the caller. “I told you to never call me at home after 10 o’clock because I would get grounded. Thanks so much Mindy” And she hung up the phone.

They were paid to do chores, so catching the parentoes in a mishap (being late) was a financial gain on their part.

The two beautiful girls grew up to become two hardworking girls. If I had only known what I know today.

I have a very nice relationship with the oldest daughter, who lives four doors down from us. She and her husband of twenty some years seem to have a good relationship.

The other daughter is lost to us right now. Hopefully not forever. She did come our way for a reason and for a season.

We did them no harm, and hopefully they gained a little wisdom to meet the World’s challenges.

We look back now, and can easily see our mistakes, but such is life. Wisdom is gained.

We shall cast our crowns (and tell of how we overcome and the victories we won) because we stayed true to the truth through Jesus’ Name.
Revelation 4:9-11
Amplified Bible
9 Whenever the living creatures give glory and honor and thanksgiving to Him who sits on the throne, to Him who lives forever and ever,

10 the twenty-four elders fall down before Him who sits on the throne, and they worship Him who lives forever and ever; and they throw down their crowns before the throne, saying,

11 “Worthy are You, our Lord and God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power; for You created all things, and because of Your will they exist, and were created and brought into being.”
Someone once said to me. “I wouldn’t want to serve a god who required someone sitting around worshipping them all day long.”

It has nothing to do with what God requires. He is perfect in and of himself. He really doesn’t need anything outside of himself.

The point is, we need to worship him. It has nothing to do with him. We need to worship him. We are a part of Him.
He just saved us from a very difficult life.

We are all traveling home to reunite with Our Creator, Our Lord and Saviour.

We are a small insignificant but magnificent part of God, when we are united with God we are powerful.

The Life We Live In Is; In A Riddle Wrapped In An Enigma Rolled-Up And Ready To Smoke
1 Corinthians 13:12
Amplified Bible

12 For now [in this time of imperfection] we see in a mirror dimly [a blurred reflection, a riddle, an enigma], but then [when the time of perfection comes we will see reality] face to face. Now I know in part [just in fragments], but then I will know fully, just as I have been fully known [by God].
Like the interviewer in the video. Kat did not want to call herself a Christian. So many have sullied the Name.

Like Mari Mari, he calls himself a Follower of Christ.
I used to call myself a A vessel for Him.
God’s Man.
Christ’s Man
By Tom Trefts
Veterans Against Treason
Rumble Check His Channel

THE TRUE ORIGIN OF BLOOD 🩸 DIAMONDS 💎 BLOOD DIAMONDS 🩸💎 2, 492 carat diamond made from the ashes of trafficked and tortured children.

😢 Spirit Cooking Ceremony duck://player/3EsJLNGVJ7E MARINA ABRAMOVIC SPIRIT COOKING

Putins ADRENOCHROME Task Force -

The Grim Reality Behind the Adrenochrome Trade What was once relegated to the realm of conspiracy theories has now been thrust into the harsh light of reality.

The adrenochrome industry in Ukraine is not only real, but it is also much larger and more organized than anyone had ever imagined. Russian President Vladimir Putin has vowed to dismantle this monstrous operation, calling it “the devil’s work” and pledging to bring justice to those responsible, including politicians and celebrities who are allegedly addicted to this horrifying substance.

According to a member of the Adrenochrome Task Force, these factory farms are more than just places of physical torment; they are sites of ritual sexual abuse, psychological torture, and systematic degradation. The children found in these so-called farms were not just victims—they were products of a grotesque industry that preys on the most innocent and vulnerable members of society.

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