Brooklyn Funk Original Jazz Song dedicated to my Wife who I met in Brooklyn NY dealing with Cancer

3 days ago

I am not sure how much time my Wife has left. I am very worried. She has Stage 4 Leptomeningeal Disease. This is a very rare cancer that only 5 percent of people who have cancer actually get. Without treatment you can pass away in 2 months. My wife is not being treated for her cancer because the doctors feel she is too unstable. She also has Aspiration Pneumonia and is on a Ventilator and a Food Tube. She is unable to walk or move her legs and barely moves her arms. I just want to get my wife home to her family. Set up a Hospital bed, oxygen and hire nurses and physical therapy to help my wife. She wants to come home to us asap which is me her husband, our 2 children and our 2 dogs. For a small entertainment tip on my Cash App which is $RichardLevoi
I will create a short video on YouTube where I give you a Big Shout Out for your good deed. I also write an Instrumental Jazz Blues Piano Piece for you it is called The Thank You Song. God bless you for your consideration. Here is more information on the heartbreaking time my family is going through right now.

Our family is dealing with a very hard time with my Wife Jennifer’s health. She is in Critical Care in ICU on a Ventilator and Food Tube attached. She has Aspiration Pneumonia. Also the Cancer in her brain and spinal cord Leptomeningeal Disease is spreading fast and because there is now 7 tumors in her brain it is causing a condition known as hydrocephalus. The Neurosurgeon told us the cancer has spread too much unfortunately and is not surgical possible anymore. Her current state is she is not talking, walking or moving at all. She is on oxygen getting treated for the Pneumonia and has not eaten any food or had any drinks through her mouth in 30 days because of Aspiration her throat is very dry and she is eating only on a food tube. Very very sad situation. She is only 46 years old The Love of my Life and The Mother of our 2 Children. I have a problem. I always believed the VCF paid for all funeral expenses which Jennifer had a claim with. I found out recently what they do is reimburse you for any amount you spent on the funeral expenses. I am trying to raise money to cover all funeral expenses and because this is an urgent matter if anyone would like to help my cash app is $RichardLevoi
Or you can email me to mail a postal money order please not a check to expedite it asap at
Obviously if you can’t help us during this time with the funeral expenses please keep Jennifer and our family in your prayers. God bless. The Levoi Family

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