Unique special Name of holy spirit

3 days ago

1 God's soul
2 Chronicles 15: 1 Then the soul of God got absorbed in Azaryah, son of Oded
2 soul of Yohowa
1 Samuel 10: 6 Then the soul of Yohowa will descend on you with force, and you will start to get out of them, and you will become more and more human beings.
3 Holy Spirit
Acts 19: 6 and when Paul put his hands on them, the Holy Spirit landed on them, and they started speaking different languages ​​and predicting them.
Acts 8:17 Then they put their hands on them and they found the Holy Spirit.
4 The people who listen to all the words
The work of the apostles was 10:44 Peter was saying these things, that the Holy Spirit came down on all those who listen to the word
5 Help in weakness,
Romeo 8:26 In this way the soul also helps in our weakness Because we do not know in what way we should pray; But the soul, you fill such a sigh that is out of the statement, begs for us
6 Parmeshwar spirit
Acts 5: 3-4 but Peter said; Hey renovation! Why has Satan put this thing in your mind that you lie to the Holy Spirit, and leave something from the price of land? 4 As long as she remained with you, was it not yours? And when it was sold, was it not under your control? Why did you do this in your mind? You are not from humans, but lied to Parmeshwar spirit.
7 soul of truth
John 16: 13 But when he means that the soul of truth comes, then you will tell you the path of all the truth, because he will not say from his behalf, but whatever will listen, he will say, and the coming things will tell you.
8 will tell you from my words
John 16: 13 But when he means that the soul of truth comes, then you will tell you the path of all the truth, because he will not say from his behalf, but whatever will listen, he will say, and the coming things will tell you.
John 16: 15 What belongs to father is all mine; That is why I said, he will tell you from my words
9 other language Teacher
Acts 2: 4 ... and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and the way the soul gave them the ability to speak, they started speaking other languages.
10 Hidden things Revelation
1 Corinthians 14: 2 .. because who talks in other language; He does not talk to humans, but talks to God; Because no one understands him; Because he speaks of distinction in the soul
11 soul in ear
2 Corinthians 5: 5 And who has prepared us for this is God, who has also given us a soul in the ear.
12 Release of true truth
2 Thessalonians 2:13. But O brothers, and the beloved people of the Lord, we always thank God about you, that God has chosen you from the etc. That by becoming holy through the soul, and realizing the truth, get salvation ...

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