3 days ago

Clay Travis gets audible gasps from University of Chicago audience after he declares that men view Democrats as 'pussies':
Daniel Cox: "Young men have not become much more conservative, at least according to Gallup, but they have become more Republican. They're still well, to the left of their, dads and grandfathers when it comes to that stuff.
There's something about Trump that was attractive and then there's something about the Democratic Party, at least in its current manifestation, that was repellent."
Magdalene Taylor: "I was really struck by you saying especially that, you know, even even if they are more likely to identify as Republicans, they're still far more liberal than, the men of generations before them."
Hannah Rosin: "What is it that we're missing?"
Clay Travis: Who is the most masculine Democrat right now in America? Mayor, Pete."
Rosin: "But Trump's like a grandpa."
Travis: "Trump took a bullet in his ear and immediately stood up and said, fight, fight, fight. Every man in America and most of the women out here were impressed by that. Even if the women won't admit it.
Democrats for men are pussies.
There are no masculine men in the Democrat Party right now."

A shocking result after the Democrat party incentivized castration of males.

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