John Sullivan as JadenX What to Wear to the "Protest".

4 days ago

This video is used along with the rest of the videos on this channel as part of the evidence showing that the January 6th supposed riot and insurrection was planned and carried out by communist leader Joseph Alcoff and communists who have infiltrated the U.S. government agencies like the FBI.

This video was posted by John Sullivan on his JadenX YouTube channel on December 5, 2020, a full year and 1 month before he filmed the events of January 6, 2021. Sullivan describes the purpose of the video as, "Here is a full guide on how to keep yourself safe, during protests and direct actions." A "direct action" as Sullivan puts it, would be like Antifa dressing up as BLM supporters and then inciting a peaceful protest into a riot. This is what they did on January 6 in dressing up like Trump Supporters. However, though Sullivan went to the January 6th Republican protest he had no connection with the Antifa communists there who were dressed as Trump Supporters and participating in a direct action to lead Trump supporters into a falsely contrived insurrection that Trump and his supporters would be blamed for.

In this video John demonstrates how to dress for a BLM, Antifa "Protest". John Sullivan was an activist in BLM and supported that organization. He was familiar with Antifa and their methods. He went to Washington independently and was not a part of the plan by the Democrats and Jospeh Alcoff the head Antifa communist organizer in the US, to lead Trump supporters into the Capital and have them falsely accused of attempting an insurrection.

John Sullivan filmed the entire event on January 6 leading up to the shooting of Ashley Babbitt. This footage demonstrates that John was an activist involved in protests where BLM and Antifa agitators, who were pretending to be BLM protesters, were present. Due to his experience, he could recognize their tactics in transforming what should have been peaceful protests into full-blown riots.

On January 6, this is precisely what was happening at the Capitol. Agitators dressed as Trump supporters were leading unsuspecting Trump supporters into the building. One agitator, wearing a red coat and a MAGA hat, initiated the first breach of the Capitol by using a two-by-four to break a window, then encouraging a Trump supporter to enter through it. This same individual was also present when Ashley Babbitt was shot, assisting her as she tried to go through the window.

I have posted videos showing the man in the red coat, as well as Joseph Alcoff, the head organizer associated with these activities in the United States. The FBI later misidentified him to conceal his identity and protect those in the government and police who were involved in what some consider a January 6 false flag operation.

I share this video to illustrate that when John Sullivan provides his commentary on the footage he took that day and identifies Joseph Alcoff, whom he calls "Hat Man," as an instigator and someone there to incite the crowd, he speaks from experience. These are the same tactics he has observed at protests in Utah and along the West Coast.

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