Live Broadcast: Submission

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Prophetic Word from Thursday, February 13th, 2024

Tell My People this Word: I am God and you are not. What you see before you is of Me. I am causing things to occur to shake My church. Yes. My church. Do you not know I love you? I do not give up on you. No. You give up on yourselves. You turn to false gods, idols. You bow down to images. Why? Have you forgotten I am God? Do you not know that I rescue from despair? Hope in Me. Place your trust in Me, for I protect Mine anointed. Yes, I protect and I shelter from the storm, this shaking. Do you need to be shaken? Are you disobedient? Do you do things your way and forsake Mine? Here I am. I am God and you are not. I know your heart. I know your love for Me, whether it is absent or full. I know all. I see all. I cause all. I am in control of ALL things. Why do you not believe this? I have the power to kill the man, yet the Spirit lives. I have power over the death. Yes. Life and death are ALL in My power. Believe Me. Believe My words. I save. I have mercy. Come to Me and let Me be God. Let Me be your Rescuer. I am a jealous God. Put your other gods away. God of self-promo, pride, pressure to succeed, god of money. O, god of money, you shall die. Do not bow and worship other gods. Turn to Me. Repent of sin, for the shaking has started and is here, says the Lord. Hold on. This ride shall be bumpy, but you shall be saved in the end if you turn to Me now. Turn back now, says the Lord of Hosts.

Scriptural References:
James 4:6-10--Submission to God
Ephesians 5:18-24--Submitting one to another, wives submitting to husbands
1 Peter 3:3-6--Wives submitting to husbands, conduct of women
Titus 3--Submitting to rulers/authority
1 Peter 2:13-14--Submitting to rulers/authority
Romans 13:1-7--Submitting to rulers/authority
Hosea 4:6--Relational Knowing of God
Proverbs 21:2--Man's ways over God's ways
Proverbs 16:2;25--Man's ways over God's ways

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