Pet Talk With The Pet Doc

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Dr. Mike helps keep your pets happy and healthy. Dr. Mike will tell you about the latest treatments in pet health. We also take your questions about your pets.
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Dr. Marty’s Nature’s Blend Dog Food

Sniper Hospital Grade Disinfectant:

PET SHOW TOPICS Hour/Minute Timestamp for 02-15-2025
0.00 DR. MARTY’s dog food information
0.04 Fatty lumps and cough Lipoma on throat
0.06 Ways to get Birds to lose weight
0.09 Dog anal sacs recurring problems : Pumpkin and fiber
0.13 Itchy dry skin for dogs who don’t like fish oil capsules
0.16 Flea Collar discussion vs topical drops or chewables
0.23 Dog feeding How often per day?
0.25 LIBRELA side effects balance issues
0.28 PANACUR for deworming and other treatments
0.33 Female dog hind leg limping : Cruciate ligament problems
0.37 How often should you deworm a dog with children?
0.42 Wellness plans : How to customize them to pet ages
0.44 Preventive Wellness plans vs Pet Insurance plans
0.51 Stem Cell treatments & Stem Cell research
0.57 STELFONTA and PALLATIA information for cancer
0.60 PRP and Stem Cell discussion & treatments
0.68 Check Ardent Animal Health website for Stem Cells : Find A Vet

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