Ye Now Are Sorrowful - Brahms Requiem - Soprano Soloist - Jeje McPherson 11.22.14

3 days ago

Soprano Soloist Jeanne Marie (Jeje) Hurst McPherson singing Ye Now Are Sorrowful from the Brahms Requiem Performed by the Northwest Sacred Music Chorale November 22-23, 2014 at the Kroc Center. Kent Kimball Conductor with Chamber Orchestra.
Ye now are sorrowful,
howbeit ye shall again behold me,
and your heart shall be joyful,
and your joy no man taketh from you.
Yea, I will comfort you,
as one whom his own mother comforteth.
Look upon me; ye know that for a little time
labor and sorrow were mine, but at the last
I have found comfort.
John 16:22

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