FreeWheeling Friday! w/Ryan Permison 2-14-25

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Jim Beard became a published writer when he sold a story to DC Comics in 2002. Since that time he's written official Star Wars and Ghostbusters comic book stories and contributed articles and essays to several volumes of comic book history. His prose work includes the novellas GREEN HORNET: HOW SWEET THE STING, and KOLCHAK: THE LAST TEMPTATION; co-editing and contributing to PLANET OF THE APES: TALES FROM THE FORBIDDEN ZONE; a story for X-FILES: SECRET AGENDAS; three books of essays on the 1966 Batman TV series; the SGT. JANUS occult detective series of novels; MONSTER EARTH, a shared-world giant monster anthology series; and CAPTAIN ACTION: RIDDLE OF THE GLOWING MEN, the first pulp prose novel based on the classic 1960s action figure. Jim also provided regular content for, the official Marvel Comics website, for over seventeen years.

Follow Jim Beard on Social Media:
Twitter: @writerjimbeard

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