Prophetic Update!

1 month ago

In this urgent prophetic update, Joseph Z alerts us to breaking news concerning USS Harry S. Truman, the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier reported to have collided at sea with a merchant ship near Egypt in the Mediterranean Sea. This incident occurred on Wednesday night and brings to mind Joseph’s earlier prophecy on February 2, 2025, in which he urged us to pray about a vision of a troubled sea-bearing vessel at sea. He revealed that it would be tumultuous but was sure that God would bring a turnaround out of this and that there would be no loss of lives. Interestingly, no injuries were recorded in the USS Harry incident, except minor damages to the ship.

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Next, Joseph warns about a declassification, a major disclosure involving UAPs/UFOs, and a major deception in the narrative. He also discloses that exposure will soon be out accidentally about 9/11, and a big disclosure about what happened will be out. He urges us to pray for righteous individuals who will stand in holiness, aiming to dismantle the powers of the wicked, as the Lord will bring a reckoning that parallels the fall of the Berlin Wall. He clarifies that the predicted judicial warfare will manifest as a legal coup, and we will witness a reversal of events similar to that seen during the Cobe Revolution.

Joseph also shares what to expect in the second quarter of 2025, indicating that monetary difficulties will mark it alongside a surprising onset of wealth transfer. He emphasizes that 2025 will be a year for positioning, while 2026 will be a year of reclaiming and picking up sticks. He mentions that a new voice will emerge in Canada and a new figure in Europe who will advocate for a restoration of the nation’s sanity. Despite the challenges ahead, he emphasizes that God will make a way for us in the land of the living, and at every moment of intimidation, an intervention will come. He also insists that we will experience four years of redemptive instability, clarifying that each segment of this period of instability will be accompanied by divine intervention, as God will create a path of protection for His people.

Additionally, Pastor Mark emphasizes the necessity of national repentance, noting that we cannot fulfill the Great Commission without understanding the seven spheres of influence. He explains that darkness prevails because the church has not fully taken responsibility for being the light the world needs, as darkness denotes the absence of light. He urges us to pray fervently at this time because God can do nothing for humanity, except if they ask and believe Him in prayer. Again, Joseph shares his vision of two superpowers uniting for a moral awakening, driven by the intercession and prayers of God's people. He insists that rather than conflict, there will be moral healing.

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