The Infringement Guise, Part 1, Visions of the Emblematic Stars.

16 days ago

The Infringement Guise, Part 1, Visions of the Emblematic Stars, is a Revised video, and is now part of the overall series of The Infringement Guise, found on the "Rise of the Eco Guards, Stand on Guard with Me", Rumble and Youtube channels.

And is a quick version of all the other more in depth videos, that will follow.
In which Captain Patriot, also known as Eco Prime, the last living founder and original leader of the Eco Guards Organizations created in the 1980's. Does articulate the real costs, that has been paid by the select few, so that the masses of humanity would thrive under their protective umbrella of military protection. Thereby granting them the Equality, Freedom, Liberty and Justice, that we have all come to enjoy. At least prior to the last 10 years or so here in Canada.

In which he also shows his prospectively bold and unique comprehensions, of the reason that Canada is currently dealing with many major human crisis points, or calamities, that have either been created or ignored, by our current Governments for the years prior 10 years, and their true lack of understandings, concerns, or proper corrective actions. Which transpired in Canada over the last 10 years, during his first term, but also prior to this current POTUS taking office.

But Captain Patriot also implies, how some of the Canadian political actions and commentary have also been use as tools of distractive nature or tactics, against the Canadian public, concerning a great many Geopolitical, Ideological, Ecological and National, plus International or Global financial issues facing ordinary Canadian citizens. But it's also a perspective acknowledgement and warning from Captain Patriot, to the Trudeau WEF Liberal multi faced Communist Party, or any others political parties within Canada, whom have intent on using any form of manipulations, in relations to negatively using a recent false narrative of Tariffs, or 51st State articulations, as any form of crisis. When those indicated prior in this video are far worse, and nothing was done, as it relates to calling a national emergency, in preventing our true form of democracy from taking place.

But it also delves into Geopolitical affairs and fake or over the top Climate Change narratives, that are currently being use by that same political entity as they also manoeuvre around the several World Orders, all to gain international political favour, power, monetary influence and complete control, that should truly be taken away from these Elitist Globalist, intent on the complete subjugation, and control of the Canadian Peoples and Nations, and their ability to make informed voting decisions, base on facts, and not innuendo.

As well as the need for this current Trudeau Governing body, to remove all Carbon Taxes and also address Inter-Provincial Trade and internal National Tax Barriers.

He also shows some of the underlying reasons that the current President of the United States is rightfully concerned, for his country and peoples, as well as that of Canada's National security, which the United States is very much involved in supporting through NORAD and oh' so much more. But also reflects upon those major global powers that are intent on using Canada's political elitist, to gain unfettered access. But may also be related to further negatively controlling the outflow of those raw natural materials, regardless of their forms, as well as using Canada as a doorway to the United States markets, for whatever products, including destructive life altering synthetic drugs. But to also influence our collective manners of dealing with them, and their communist rules that they bring to any negotiating table.

While a grander vision has taken place by one of those Emblematic Stars, wherein a North American Second Golden Age can be realized, if we get our heads out of our A$$E$.

The Title of this video reflects upon the Emblematic Stars, that each of this worlds major financial and super powers, use in their national and military identities, whether they be Yellow, Gold, Red, Blue or White, and the manipulated chess board, known as the world stage. Want to know more, then watch this interesting artistic body of work, but also read between the lines of what Captain Patriot is implying and pointing to, as he articulates to every Canadian whom cares to pay attention, the necessity in comprehending what is truly at stake. For the presumed so called threats by Mr Trump, or POTUS, are nothing in comparison to having to face multiple military presents by not so favourable foreign entities, intent on eventually controlling the natural assets and waterways, of what some believe use to be considered sovereign northern Canadian territory.

Now understand, if the Trudeau Governing body is freaking out over the fact of what Mr Trump has been saying and doing, what will they do when a foreign country invades our soil.

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