What does the BIBLE say about Valentine's Day?

1 month ago

I always like to explain why specific holidays are not this innocent thing that Christians or even other religious practicing people should participate in.

With Valentine's Day today, what a better day to express the Who, What, When, Where, and How?

An ancient Roman holiday of fertility with animal sacrifices (dogs and goats) as well as cutting the fur off the animals backs so you could make whips to whip women to cover them with blood with hopes that you made them more fertile..... Drunken fights over women... as well as forced marriage lotteries.

Not things that I want to celebrate or practice myself!

Valentine's Day is rooted in pagan practices and just like many other secular holidays, is not something to participate in if you want to hold the bible as true.

This video will give you some history, some biblical passages to help understand how God feels about pagan holidays, and my reasoning for why NOT to celebrate these such holidays.

If I take a statue of Shiva, the Hindu god of destruction and slap it on a cross and hang it in your church and call it "Jesus" would it be a good replacement for the nativity scene next Christmas? Obviously not... yet this is a perfect representation of WHY these holidays are not "Christian" holidays.

Ask yourself this.... why did the church over the first 1000 years of Christianity change pagan holidays to Christian? We go to church on the day of the Sun, not the 7th day like God tells us to. We celebrate Christmas, Easter, and many other holidays that are covered from head to toe in pagan symbols and rituals. That does not make it a "christian" holiday because you call it one. Your own personal ignorance is not a "Get Out Of Hell Free" card....

God tells us in ! Thessalonians 5:21 to "prove all things and hold fast that which is good." He does not say prove what you want and hold fast what you think is good. Our beliefs do not matter like God's do. If he tells us that something is evil, it does not matter if you "feel" like it should be good.

As Christians we are to be different than the rest of the world and we are to follow Romans 3:4 "Let GOD be true and every man a liar."

At the end of the day, God's will should be what you strive for every day.

You want to skip Valentine's Day next year, AWESOME! I am rooting for you! Next Valentines Day skip it and wake up Saturday morning, pray with your family, and celebrate the 7th day where God rested. Bake some cookies Friday with the kids, you can make them pink hearts if you really want to, and spend the morning teaching your kids why you did not let them participate in the school's Valentine's Day pagan rituals. Valentine's Day school party day would be a good day to let them play "hooky" and stay home!

I hope you enjoy this video and learn a little about the pagan roots to this very dark and blood filled holiday.

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God Bless!

Valentines Day, Valentines Day 2025, Christian Valentines, Saint Valentine, Love, Love of Christ, Christian Love, Romance, Biblical Romance, Cupid, Christian Cupid, Flowers, Roses, Red Roses, Bible Flowers, Heart, Heart of Jesus, Pink Cookies, Cookies, Christian Cookies, Lupercalia, Pagan Holidays, Paganism, Christianizing Paganism, Pope Gelasius, 496 AD, 269 AD, Martyrdom, Christian Martyr, Sacrifice, Christian Sacrifice, Dogs, Goats, Animal Sacrifice, Drunkenness, Fertility, Fertility in the Bible, Whips, Whip of Lupercalia, Blood, Blood of Christ, Red Hearts, Christian Hearts, Forced Pairing, Roman Mythology, Remus, Romulus, She-Wolf, Lupa, Driftwood, Christian Mythology, Biblical Freedom, Christian Truth, Idol Worship, Jeremiah 10, Jeremiah 10:2-5, Heathen Customs, Vanity, Christmas, Spruce Tree, Silver, Gold, Idols, Palm Tree, Geneva Bible, Footnotes, Deuteronomy 12, Deuteronomy 12:29-31, Child Sacrifice, Molech, Burning Children, Superstitions, Snare of Idolatry, Abomination, God's Hate, Pagan Symbols, Pagan Rituals, Card, Chocolates, Heart-Shaped Cookies, Candy, Artificial Dyes, Health, Family Dog, Wife, Fertility Rituals, Knowledge, Power, Parenting, Christian Parenting, Pagan Rituals, Salt of the Earth, Matthew 5:13, Romans 12:2, Renewing the Mind, Will of God, Worldly Fashion, God's Will, Exaltation, Heaven, God Bless, Blessings, Daily Blessings, Love Letters, Love Notes, Crush, Christian Marriage, Marriage Vows, Vows, Commitment, Faith, Faithfulness, Covenant, Biblical Covenant, Wedding, Christian Wedding, Engagement, Proposal, Christian Proposal, Dating, Christian Dating, Purity, Purity Ring, Chastity, Modesty, Modesty in Love, Respect, Christian Respect, Forgiveness, Forgiveness in Love, Kindness, Christian Kindness, Patience, Patience in Love, Joy, Joy in Christ, Peace, Peace of God, Long-suffering, Gentleness, Goodness, Faith, Meekness, Temperance, Fruit of the Spirit, Galatians 5:22-23, Love Feast, Agapē, Phileo, Eros, Storge, Four Types of Love, 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