Here's what a British veteran said about the Dresden Holocaust

1 day ago

Here's what a British veteran said about the Dresden Holocaust.

History uncensored

I visited Dresden a few times when I used to live in Leipzig. Dresden is a beautiful city, and with my German girlfriend at the time we went into the Frauenkirsche, it got flattened during the blitz on Dresden and it had only just been rebuilt the year we went into it (around 2012 or there about) so it took them 60 years or so to rebuild it, brick by brick. Bomber Harris and Churchill will be exposed for the zionist psychopaths that they were. When the people, worldwide, find out the truth about WW1 and WW2 they will go f&*king mental. Hitler was a British Agent as far as my research goes, he set the stage for WW2 as controlled opposition and decades later the cabal had the bullshit "Hitler was kicking out the central banks" garbage to help with their exit strategy of today but it ain't washing on me. Ford Motor Co was supplying the Third Reich with Tank parts, Standard Oil Co. was supplying the Third Reich with engine oil. Hitler was part of the SS, he set up Germany to be the powerhouse for the first EEC>EC>EU>New World Order Region and pushed as many jews into Palestine for the Rothschilds. The persecuted Jews were GERMANS, NON-ZIONIST GERMANS who did not wish to be sent to Palestine. I have never watched Europa The Last Battle because it was so conveniently offered on a plate as covid bullshit ran wild. The people will always latch onto the next scam so damn easily, the majority never questioned why Europa was suddenly and out of the blue offered to them. The cabal's playbook was etched into a famous quote of Lenin, another Zionist Nazi Communist aka Bolshevik....

In fact have a bunch of quotes/...

"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves"
- Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

“The press should not only be a collective propagandist and a collective agitator, but also a collective organiser of the masses.”
- Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

“Some call it Marxism - call it Judaism”
- Genrikh Yagoda

“In a country where the sole employer is the State, opposition means death by slow starvation. The old principle: who does not work shall not eat, has been replaced by a new one: who does not obey shall not eat”
- Leon Trotsky

“The theory of Communism may be summed up in one sentence: Abolish all private property”
- Karl Marx

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