An Awe-Inspiring Near-Death Experience and Divine Guidance Revealing Astonishing Propheci

4 days ago

An Awe-Inspiring Near-Death Experience and Divine Guidance Revealing Astonishing Propheci
Collin Thomas Perry

About the Author
C. Thomas Perry, Ph.D., is a writer and lecturer in Media. He lives and works in Melbourne, Australia and has a depth of experience in Christianity and the spiritual relevance of the message of God for the contemporary world.
His insights into the supernatural following a near-death experience offer a profound view of death, life, eternity, and the deep questions of human existence. This author offers a point of view rarely encountered in everyday life and has the potential to change the way you think about death, the soul, and the eternal destiny of humanity.

Dying to be Alive is a first-hand account of an incredible experience. In 2008, the author suffered a heart attack and found himself in an ambulance, blacking out and in immediate danger of death. He describes the experience of being in the presence of angels, engaged in conversation with Jesus, and then being offered the choice to return to life on earth or to continue living in heaven.

The story does not stop there. He traces the intervention of God on his life as he recounts the journey through life that saw him threatened by a cult and suffering the death of his brain-injured daughter. This is a story of life and death that extends well beyond our routine earthly existence and offers an intriguing glimpse into the timeless realm of eternity. This book offers more than a story. It opens the way to an encounter with heaven that reaches from beyond this world deep into the heart and soul.

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