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German Shepherd Wearing GoPro Swims Into A Majestic Rainbow
The video that is presented to you today is actually a Gopro footage that the owner of the dog captured while he was on a hike with his best friends. So the video is about Maya the German Shepherd, who appears to be swimming into a tiny lake, probably to cool off after a physical activity or maybe to find her pot of gold... or stick as it were.
There is nothing Maya loves more after a long day of hiking, than to cool down by playing fetch in a creek. German Shepherds are big dogs and require a lot of exercise. They are very robust and go walking or hiking for a really long time before getting tired.
It doesn’t mean that Maya did not deserve this break, right? We don’t know if you noticed but Maya is not alone in the video, the second dog of this person is also present. Her "little" brother Ash, isn’t not as brave as Maya and instead, he stays on the little rocks and he barely leaves those rocks. He probably doesn’t feel safe because of the amount of water, and not because of the water itself because you can see go in for a meter or two. He goes towards her when she gets back to the rocks and manage to splash both of them while being playful. He isn't as big on swimming, but he's more than happy to steal her stick as soon as she gets back to shore!
The landscape that can be seen during this footage comes directly from the Gifford Pinchot National Forest, situated in Washington State. The setting is truly beautiful, the water is pouring down from the waterfall and the angle of the shot makes it even more impressive (the camera is barely above the dog’s back, and because the person used a GoPro, the wide angle of that camera makes this really cool viewing effect).
The best about all this is that there is a rainbow floating above the lake because of the waterfall and the strong sunshines that they had that day. It really feels like the perfect day for a hike. By the sides of that waterfall we can perceive many rocks and different green vegetations. Those are situated around the lake and we can also see a few patches of grass when the dog turns around.
If you pay attention to where the dog started swimming from, you can notice that the rocks are in fact an improvised bridge for the hikers. We bet you that the dogs did not ask permission and ran into the water as soon as they saw it. The owner of those two cute dogs could not resist and decided to record the scene. We wish this clip was larger to be able to have a good look at this beautiful national park they were at. Another clip of those two dogs running with such happiness, maybe at another special spot of the park, but it would be ideal.
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