Episode 01/09/25; STLDN - The Rise of AI and the Technocratic Beast System

22 days ago

Episode 01/09/25; Steve Taylor’s Last Days News – The Rise of AI and the Technocratic Beast System

In today’s episode, Dr. Steve Taylor and guest Pastor Michael Casey discuss the rapid development of artificial intelligence, AGI, ASI, and quantum computing, examining how these advancements may be laying the foundation for the prophesied Beast System.

As AI technology advances at an unprecedented pace, global leaders are integrating artificial intelligence, digital currencies, and social credit systems into society. While these innovations are being promoted as tools for progress, some believe they are leading toward a centralized system of total control, mass surveillance, and a technocratic world order.

Are we seeing the fulfillment of biblical prophecy? Many believe AI is following the same pattern as the Tower of Babel, with humanity once again reaching beyond its limits and setting the stage for divine intervention.

Dr. Steve Taylor explores key topics in this episode, including:

The dangers of AGI and ASI, and whether AI has already become sentient
How quantum computing could reshape global finance and facilitate the rise of a centralized control system
The acceleration of technological advancements and their role in prophetic events
The influence of fallen angels and spiritual deception behind AI and the globalist agenda
Are we on the verge of an AI-driven world system? Is this the final step toward global deception? Join Dr. Steve Taylor as he examines the connections between emerging technologies and biblical prophecy.

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