What Is Bitcoin? And Should Christians Support It?

1 month ago

The topic of digital currencies (especially CBDC's, or Central Bank Digital Currencies) has been one of great interest for people who follow Bible prophecy due to their apparent similarity with the Bible’s description of the Mark of the Beast, where the Antichrist has the ability to prevent people from transacting. This topic has lead to many questions and misunderstandings, such as: "Are cryptocurrencies the same thing as CBDC’s?"; "Is Bitcoin (which is the most well-known crypto) a CBDC?"; "How does Bitcoin relate to CBDC’s?"; "Is there a difference in their characteristics?"; and "How should Christians think about cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin?" We’re going to discuss all of that in this video.

*Bitcoin.com "Intro To Bitcoin"* ▶ https://www.bitcoin.com/get-started/a-quick-introduction-to-bitcoin/#could-there-be-a-bug-in-the-bitcoin-software

*Bitcoin Whitepaper* ▶ https://bitcoin.org/bitcoin.pdf


*My Books Available on Amazon:*
❖ _The Missing Key in Dispensational Eschatology_ ▶ https://a.co/d/dcAyzNt
❖ _The Book of Revelation - A Study Guide_ ▶ https://a.co/d/6BOeUE3

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