Are Miracles Real? A Conversation With Eric Walberg

1 day ago

Canadian Muslim author Eric Walberg and I discuss miracles. Walberg discussed anomalous events in general, and miracles in particular, in his review of Jeffrey Kripal’s How to think impossibly about souls, UFOs, time, belief, and everything else. Since my doctoral dissertation compares medieval Moroccan miracle stories to contemporary personal experience narratives of anomalous events, I’ve thought about this topic quite a bit, which is why I didn’t want to go off on such a huge tangent during last week’s conversation with Laurent Guyénot. So today’s the day for the tangent.

Guyénot suggested that Islam is less concerned with miracles, and more compatible with secular rationalism, than Christianity and Judaism. Though he isn’t entirely wrong, it’s actually a lot more complicated than that. Tune in for the details.

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