Farmers' Protest- London 10th February 2025: Part 4 - Common Sense

23 days ago

"The Prime Minister’s visit to Milton Keynes was derailed by protesting farmers this morning."

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The Real Reason Behind the ‘Farmer Harmer’ Tax?
"There is a third, rather more sinister possible reason for our Government’s enthusiasm for this tax. In July 2024, the think tank Demos published a report titled ‘The Future of Inheritance Tax in Britain‘....
The main sponsor of the Demos report is the ludicrously vowel-less abrdn asset management firm through its abrdn Financial Fairness Trust operation. Abrdn manages at least £506 billion of U.K. and global assets. In 2015, abrdn bought the multi-billion dollar U.S.-based FLAG Capital. FLAG stands for ‘Forest, Land and Agriculture’. In a 2018 report abrdn seems to express frustration at the difficulty in acquiring farmland due to so much being owned by families..."

"The aim of this campaign is to protect, with farmers permission, their livestock and poultry from either being culled or injected with mrna technology, under the guise of ‘bird flu’."

"Farmers tax and Agenda 2030
This was no mistake by the UK is all part of a bigger plan
Just prior to the Budget, Bill Gates, who is now the largest private owner of farmland in the USA, visited No10 Downing Street.
One scenario for those UK farmers unable to afford IHT is to sell and, as pointed out by No Farmers No Food founder James Melville, the only likely buyer will be large corporations or the state."

Farmer Protest: What Happened? Tens of Thousands Hit London Protesting Inheritance Tax Changes

No Farmers, No Food: What is all the fuss about?

No Farmers No Food on Facebook

'Do to them what Thatcher did to miners' - Ex-Labour aide launches SCATHING attack on farmers

George Monbiot’s farming fantasies
The urban voyeur will never understand agriculture

"'I had one example where a farmer told me that his elderly father ... is genuinely asking whether he is going to be a burden to his family and whether it would be better for him to pass away before these changes are made in March 2026 because the land value of their farm is worth millions, but the income they drew last year was worth £19,000."

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