Finding Your Style

25 days ago

While waiting for my grandson's 22nd birthday dinner, biding time watching history videos. I remembered our Victoria asking me to teach her to write pretty as she observed my signing a birthday card. That gave me the idea to just grab my sketchbook, and on the back side of my already painted pages, I set up my camera and lights on a lap tray while sitting in my rocking chair. Thus the wiggles in a few segments. My intent is to inspire..rather than instruct. There are many fine calligraphers to watch and learn from should you have a certain style in mind, or a project you wish to work on. This video is meant to encourage you to grab what's at hand, no special prep, and play! No one is is just for you! You will be surprised to find a single letter, or perhaps a word that you have scribed which you really like. Play with it, incorporate those lines or flourishes into other words. Nurture what you like. Soon you will find your own style. I promise!

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