- How to Detoxify Radioactive and Chemtrail Fallout.

1 day ago
6 - How to Detoxify Radioactive and Chemtrail Fallout. Radioactive Cesium and Thorium Are Known Constituents Of Chemtrails
by Susan Vaughn

In today’s world we are dealing with two kinds of fallout. Because of the continuingFukushima disaster, North America is being inundated with radioactive fallout that has already been occurring continuously since March 2011. Radioactive fallout refers to radiated heavy metals, many of which become air born only as a result of a nuclear blast. The most dangerous of these heavy metals are so tiny that they pass right through the body. These are the most dangerous. Humanity is also being inundated with chemtrail fallout, which has both similarities and differences. Both kinds are lethal, and though they do not kill us immediately, they so pollute the body with toxins that they kill us slowly over time. Both kinds must be detoxified from the body if we are to survive and thrive as a human species. Because both kinds damage our DNA, if people of childbearing age do not detoxify, the likelihood that they will bear a child with genetic defects is very strong. Already one in every 54 boys, and one in every 252 girls being born in America today will be diagnosed with an autistic spectrum disorder. In 20 years these autistic children, who have very poor social skills, will become the adults who will one day run our world. Forms of Radiation
There are many forms of radioactivity, including alpha, beta, gamma, and x-ray. Each of these designations relates to the velocity and spin of atoms, electrons, or protons and how far each can penetrate through air or dense matter. Gamma and x-ray are the most dangerous form of radiation while alpha is the least. The only difference between X-Rays and gamma rays are their source. A nuclear blast produces all three kinds of radiation simultaneously. A lesser form of radiation can transmute into a more dangerous form of radiation through its daughter products as two or more kinds of radioactive particles interact. …

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