[2008-12-31] Project Camelot Interviews Jim Humble: The Revolutionary Story of MMS

5 days ago

Step into a groundbreaking conversation with Jim Humble, the aerospace engineer turned health pioneer, whose accidental discovery in the Venezuelan jungle led to the creation of MMS (Miracle Mineral Supplement) – a controversial yet transformative chlorine dioxide therapy. In this 75-minute interview recorded in November 2008 in Sasbachwalden, Germany, Humble shares his extraordinary journey from Cold War-era engineering to combating diseases like malaria, hepatitis, and even cancer 27.

🔍 Key Highlights:

From Aerospace to Jungle Medicine: Humble’s career spans A-bomb testing, Intercontinental Ballistic Missile development, and repairing NASA’s Lunar Module. His shift to gold prospecting led to an improvised malaria cure using stabilized oxygen, sparking his mission to democratize MMS 87.

The Science of MMS: Learn how sodium chlorite, activated with lemon juice or vinegar, became a potent oxygen therapy. Humble claims 100,000+ successful trials in Africa, with malaria symptoms alleviated in 4 hours 35.

Controversial Claims: Humble boldly states MMS can treat hepatitis, cancer, and AIDS – assertions met with both acclaim and skepticism 78.

Spiritual Philosophy: Explore Humble’s belief in “helping humanity first” and his critiques of profit-driven healthcare 7.

UFOs and Lunar Mysteries: Humble shares anecdotes about a colleague’s classified photo of a “foreign-built space station on the Moon’s dark side” – a nod to his ties with Cold War secrecy 8.

⚠️ Important Context:

MMS remains highly controversial, with health authorities warning about risks of chlorine dioxide ingestion. This video serves as historical documentation of Humble’s perspective, not medical advice.

Includes eerie accounts of “orbs” captured in photos during the interview – a phenomenon left unexplained

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