Survey of Lamentations

25 days ago

Lamentations is the most corrective book in the Bible. But this sobering message is also filled with hope. Discover the dazzling hope of Lamentations.



The biblical book of Lamentations is a funeral dirge for God’s people! God is mourning the spiritual death of thousands of brethren in His one true Church! Those who have been called by God and should reflect the spiritual quality of pure gold are instead like worthless wood or stones. What has happened to God’s Church? Why the devastating spiritual catastrophe?

The sobering message of Lamentations explains why God’s Church went astray, leaving the vast majority of the membership on the brink of eternal death. Studying this book will help you grasp the depth of God’s love. The Prophet Jeremiah wept as he recorded the message of Lamentations. But his tears were not just tears of despair; he also cried tears of joy! He saw the glorious hope behind the stern correction. Jeremiah knew that God’s people in this end time could change their destiny if they would just repent!

The message of Lamentations is often overlooked. But it has everything to do with you. As the world today lurches toward nuclear holocaust, you must hear and fear the fiery warning of Lamentations. God promises to comfort you through these trying times—if you will allow Him.

Request a free transcript of this Key of David television program to discover what God is doing to break through to His rebellious people. Learn how He is diligently working to awaken them from spiritual slumber before it is too late.

Review this TV transcript to understand the awesome purpose of correction as it looms like a storm cloud over God’s Church and the modern descendants of ancient Israel. Learn how to escape the coming correction and achieve spiritual glory. Be inspired by the beautiful poetry of Lamentations to dramatically change your life for the better.

You will also receive a free copy of Gerald Flurry’s book John’s Gospel—The Love of God, and a Bible lesson about God’s Holy Spirit. God gives humans love and comfort through His Holy Spirit. The only way to prevail in spiritual war is by receiving and using this miracle-working power. God’s Holy Spirit is the only way to spiritual growth, overcoming, and immortality. Discover how to obtain the Holy Spirit—and how to employ it to miraculous effect in your everyday life.

All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request a transcript of this television program, John’s Gospel—The Love of God, and a Bible lesson about God’s Holy Spirit. Order now!

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