NY Governor Kathy Hochul: Democratic Leaders Stop Crazy From Happening

1 day ago

NY Governor Kathy Hochul said so many things in 1 minute and 42 seconds that I wanted to point out, I didn't know which headline to choose. LOL Which do you prefer?

1. NY Governor Kathy Hochul: Democratic Leaders Stop Crazy From Happening

2. NY Governor Kathy Hochul: I'll Work With Trump Admin If They Want To Make New York City Great Again

3. NY Governor Kathy Hochul: I'll Work With Trump Admin If They Want To Extend Subway To Communities Of Color To Have Shorter Commute To Money Jobs In Wall Street

4. NY Governor Kathy Hochul: Commuters Are Getting Around This City With Ease, It's Worth The Cost

5. NY Governor Kathy Hochul: If You Come After Any Of The Rights That We Take For Granted In NY, You've Got A Fight On Your Hands
Rachel Maddow: Trying to stop them in the courts.

NY Governor Kathy Hochul: It's truly all we have. As sad as that sounds, I served as a member of Congress when the House was Republicans, but we had democratic leaders in the Senate. So there's always this firewall to stop crazy from happening. We don't have that anymore. I work so hard to elect enough Democrats to make Hakeem Jeffries the speaker. Just to be a counter of balance, if we ended up with Donald Trump in the White House, we came as far as we could in New York. Other states didn't get there. This is what we have to focus on. 2026 is right around the corner. So we as democratic governors need the reinforcements to stop this in Washington. But until that time, we are it. And we have a lot of bold, courageous leaders. They're great friends of mine. And the message that I wanna deliver, we're not going to have a hair on fire every moment. There's too much incoming.

Rachel Maddow: Hmm.

NY Governor Kathy Hochul: And you lose your credibility with the American people if they think all you're trying to do is attack, attack, attack, attack. Now if the Trump administration wants to roll up their sleeves and work with me to Make New York City great again, help me invest in the subway system. Make the subway system up to extend the second of the subway up to Harlem so communities of color can have a shorter commute to the money jobs out in Wall Street. You have my attention. I'll work with you. That's what I'm trying to do. And fight for congestion pricing, which I wasn't sure how it worked. Rachel, people are getting around this city with ease and more of the commuters are coming in saying my ride, I shaved 20, 30 minutes and that is worth the cost.

Rachel Maddow: Hmm.

NY Governor Kathy Hochul: So these are areas I'm happy to work with the Trump administration. So it's not all anti everything, but you come after any of the rights that we take for granted our state. Now you've got a fight on your hands.
The governor of NY said: "We had Democratic leaders in the Senate. So there's always this firewall to stop crazy from happening." LOL!

If you think Democratic leaders stop crazy from happening, there is a good chance you are mentally ill, severely brainwashed or ignorant, don't speak English, and/or are a criminal.

President Trump is going to Make America Great Again, which includes NY. Hochul said, I will only work with Trump on everything we want.

It's hard to believe New Yorkers honestly elected this woman!

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