Truth or Dare vs Underwear

10 hours ago

Claire and Lara play an innocent game of truth or dare, unfortunately, Lara rips her shorts after Claire dares her to do the splits. The pair have more accidents involving their underwear, causing them to both need a fresh pair.

Unfortunately to Lara's annoyance, Claire only has two pairs of knickers left and they're both extremely embarrassing. Without another option, the two girls decide to head to school and hope that no one finds out their little secret.

When they arrive, they find Ashley trying to impress Leon. The pair don't like Ashley, as she often teases them for being geeky. After an interesting display of Ashley tying her shoe in front of Leon, they all head in for English class.

Today the students need to present book reports. Leon thinks this is boring and decides to make things more interesting. He gets out his magic remote control and makes the girls clothes disappear one by one. The teacher is quite confused and annoyed by the antics in her classroom.

After Claire, Lara and Ada change into their gym clothes, they find Leon has left the magic remote on his desk. Ada tells Claire to use the remote on Leon so he can get a taste of his own medicine. Unfortunately, she doesn't know how to use the remote properly and causes the rest of their clothes to disappear too!

NOTE - Characters are all clearly represented as adults, the school theme is entirely role play for entertainment purposes.

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