Back to Basics on the Alex Jones/Sandy Hook Case with Kate Dalley

14 days ago

Attorney Wyn Young joins radio host Kate Dalley to discuss basic conclusions to be drawn from the Alex Jones/Sandy Hook Connecticut defamation cases.

ALEX JONES took a purposeful dive on defending against the Connecticut Sandy Hook defamation cases by failing to claim federal question jurisdiction when removing the cases to federal court. It was no mistake or malpractice by his attorneys. Indeed, the Sandy Hook Plaintiffs NEVER would have sued ALEX JONES unless they KNEW he would take a purposeful dive on the defense... The Sandy Hook Plaintiffs NEVER would have sued ANYONE unless they KNEW that person would take a purposeful dive on the defense...

Why ?? Because ANY person named as a Defendant in ANY Sandy Hook case could have hired ANY competent attorney who would have torn the Plaintiffs' fraudulent case(s) to shreds and exposed them. And in subsequent criminal proceedings, the Plaintiffs would likely have been charged with both fraud and treason, a capital offense for which there is no statute of limitations.

You can find my full legal analysis on ALEX JONES' Capitulation & Betrayal in the Connecticut Sandy Hook defamation cases at

If you value Truth, justice, and the America we always envisioned and hoped for, then please consider sharing this important video.

***Jan. '25 UPDATE: I quit my day job as a contract attorney to devote my full~time work efforts to this Alex Jones/Sandy Hook public advocacy case. Please consider making a kind donation/contribution to my professional efforts to support and defend our Constitution at Many thanks, R. Wyn Young, Esq. (Ohio Bar 64876)

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