Eco-Terrorism: 'Anti-Nazi' Group Issues Chilling Warning To Northern California Tesla Owners

15 hours ago

Posted • February 13, 2025: Oh, look. The 'punch a Nazi' crowd has added property damage and vandalism to its repertoire. Tesla owners in Northern California received threatening letters from a group demanding they sell their cars or face an 'open season' on them. —— This is terrorism. Where's Gavin Newsom? Where's Karen Bass? Where are all the Democrats decrying these threats of violence? And it wasn't just posted to Reddit. Some Tesla owners are receiving threats to sell their vehicles or else they'll be vandalized. Owners in Humboldt County had bricks with notes left on their cars last week. The group behind the threat calls itself "Students Against Nazi Extremism." -- What’s the over/under that this individual drives a Volkswagen? That is the safest bet ever.

Okay so let me get this straight. The wing of politics that is the most fervently environmentalist… Is going to start targeting people who bought from the only currently successful entirely electric car manufacturer. Did I get that right? Is the left still eating it's own? The Left always, invariably, eats their own. No matter how woke you are, no matter how eco-conscious you are, all you're doing is making sure the Left eats you last. -- Remember when the Tesla cyber truck exploded outside the Trump hotel in Vegas, and Musk's team was able to run diagnostics on it in a matter of hours? Good luck, Lefties. This should be investigated and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. That's the only way this stops. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Eco-Terrorism: 'Anti-Nazi' Group Issues Chilling Warning to North California Tesla Owners
ABC 7 San Francisco: CA Tesla owners receiving threats to sell their cars, or they'll be vandalized: report

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